- Information
- High-Quality Service
- Institutionalism
- Openness and Transparency
- Objectivity and Reliability
- Being Innovative and Continuous Improvement
- Effective and Efficient Use of Resources
- Social Responsibility, Environmental Awareness
- Sustainability

- Ensuring, improving and raising awareness on corporateness,
- Active implementation of ‘dynamic management structures’ that will ensure productivity and efficiency,
- Boosting brand awareness and value,
- Developing and improving our services in order to sustain our corporate interests in line with the rising conditions,
- Increasing national and international recognition and having a corner on the market,
- Bringing a different understanding to the sector,
- Improving corporate capacity,
- Producing innovative and global values.
- Providing quality-oriented products and services that value “human” in line with the demands and expectations of the customer and within the framework of relevant legislation and standards,
- Achieving unconditional customer satisfaction in the quality of products and services as well as after-sales services,
- Continuously developing and improving the processes that influence our company’s goals and product quality,
- Ensuring full participation of the employees in reaching the targets,
- Improving likeability and recognition,
- Adopting an innovative understanding of management,
- Boosting frugality by using resources efficiently and effectively with a performance-based management system approach,
- Working in cooperation and trust with our stakeholders and producing mutual value,
- Improving competencies and individual contributions of our employees by ensuring their constant development through continuous and effective training.
In order to take all necessary precautionary steps not to harm the environment and ecological balance while offering our products and services, we are committed to:
- Taking necessary measures to minimize our negative environmental impacts in our activities with our target towards a sustainable future that is open to improvement,
- Protecting natural resources and using them most efficiently,
- Reducing our waste at their source as much as possible, trying to implement reuse or recovery possibilities, disposing of our non-recyclable wastes, or having them disposed of without harming the environment,
- Using every means available in order to use renewable energy sources, consuming energy at the minimum level and offering environment-friendly products and services,
- Working on increasing the level of knowledge and awareness on the environment with all our employees and suppliers in order to contribute to efforts for leaving a livable environment for the future,
- Increase the ‘environmental awareness’ of our close environment by cooperating with our stakeholders with whom we share the same environment, particularly with the institutions and organizations in our region,
- Continuously improving our environmental performance and complying with legal regulations on the environment by keeping our environmental aspects and environmental impacts arising from our activities and products under constant control.